The Parent Child Center Kids on the Block blog is designed to help us communicate with other KOB Troupes around the world. The blog will include topics relevant to the work of KOB Troupes. Some of the topics will be:
- Discussing Prop ideas and how they are being used for shows.
- Staging
- Video Training and Practice – encourages other troupes to share how they are best equipping their educators to be most effective.
- Venues – looking at what venues troupes are tapping into to have the greatest impact in their areas.
There will also be discussions on budgeting and financing; puppet maintenance; how to secure volunteers, as well as other ideas.
We hope to develop a networking process with other troupes as a result of the blog. As readers you are asked to comment below concerning any of the ideas that will be discussed. This will allow all of us to learn from one another and become better at what we do.
If you would like to connect with our blog just follow the link.
Send us your comments concerning, “Do you see this as something you may take advantage of and do you see the benefit of it?” Hope to hear from you.
Troy Johnston – Lead Educator and Coordinator for Parent Child Center of Tulsa, KOB