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Why support HB 1661? Teachers & students need your help.

Oklahoma students were bullied during the 2010/11 school year.
Janet Barresi: State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Safe and Drug Free School Annual Report 2010/2011

Oklahoma students were bullied with physical injury during the 2010/11 school year.
Janet Barresi: State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Safe and Drug Free School Annual Report 2010/2011

Oklahoma students attempted suicide during the 2010/11 school year.
Janet Barresi: State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Safe and Drug Free School Annual Report 2010/2011

Oklahoma students committed suicide during the 2010/2011 school year.
Janet Barresi: State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Safe and Drug Free School Annual Report 2010/2011

Oklahoma teachers were bullied by their students during the 2010/11 school year.
Janet Barresi: State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Safe and Drug Free School Annual Report 2010/2011

Oklahoma teachers were bullied by their students with physical injury during the 2010/11 school year.
Janet Barresi: State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Safe and Drug Free School Annual Report 2010/2011

Encourage your legislator to VOTE YES on HB 1661.

If you intend to email your Representative, it is very important that you do so today or tomorrow at your earliest convenience.  Thank you for voicing your support at the Capitol!
Here is a simple email briefly describing the HB1661, communicating that you support the bill, and asking your Representative to vote YES on the bill.
Dear Representative [insert last name],
My name is _____________.  My email today is regarding HB1661 which amends the current Bullying Prevention Act to include much needed annual school administrator and staff training regarding bullying and cyber bullying issues.  I support HB1661, and I am asking you to vote YES on HB1661.  Thank you for your support.  

[your first and last name]

Thank you to the Children’s Consortium of Tulsa for compiling this information.

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